Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Many Moving Parts

Today I started to think about the logistics of what will need to go into the webpage before it is fully functional. I know that it will not be in a state that I am truly happy with until all the small parts are done. I have spent some time trying to decide what I want to have on the page and what will be free vs. at a cost. I want to give enough content that provides people with a good understanding of who I am, what I am trying to do, and how I can help them on their fitness journey. All the while I want to show that I can provide something that is worth paying for. I have spent the last week learning about spread sheets and trying to create a comprehensive athlete dashboard. I have looked to YouTube and found an amazing step by step guide to spread sheets. The creator of this page did so to help strength and conditioning coaches with their program creation and athlete assessment. The videos have been easy to follow along with and very rewarding. There were times where I would get frustrated because I could not figure out the odd mistake I made in my formulas but by going back or pausing and double checking my formula with the video it fixed the problems.
The other part of this project that has been challenging over the last week has been thinking about a platform for where I can connect with my team. I say my team because I look at all the individuals that I am working with as a team. We work individually towards a goal but we are all on this journey to better ourselves. I have created a Discord channel with different pages to connect my team. There we can post videos, have chats, and keep up to date on the progress each other are making. The nice side is I can have individual chats and a group chat all in once spot. I can analyze lifts, reply to questions and messages, and give weekly updates on programming all in one easy spot.
A quick update on the exercise library It has been a process to video log all of the exercises. Additionally, I wanted to provide a quick snippet of how to do the movement. I will dive deeper on form and efficient movement for the more complex movements but a quick overview is the main goal. As a client or someone viewing the webpage, I want a document that has a list of exercises and how to perform each. This will help people to create their own programs and have a variety of movements. Additionally as a coach it helps me when clients have not seen or heard of certain exercises. It is a quick way to ensure people are hitting the ground running.

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