Saturday, January 14, 2023

Tip of the Iceberg

Exercise Library

    Over the past 3 days I have dove deeper into trying to figure out what my end goal is with this project. The harder I try to find an end goal the further it seems to get. I think much like lifting I am going to find there is not ultimate end goal and the process is more valuable than the end goal. As I keep this in mind I started to create an exercise library that I can start and continue to expand on as my journey continues. Once I get a strong base I will post the library to the products page on the blog for everyone to access. The hardest part about this is I want it to be comprehensive and educational for those who are just starting their journey. I am compiling the library with accompanying videos that describe how to perform the exercises.

Training Methods

Training methods vary and there are tons of programs out there. It is hard to navigate and what someone tries first may not be what works for them. I have posted in the product page a quick summery of 3 types of training methods; rate of perceived exhaustion (RPE), percent 1 rep max (1RM), and going to failure with supersets and drop sets. Playing around with each of these types of training may help to find one that works best for you. Personally I like to use a combination of RPE and 1RM, it allows me to have a target weight for the session using 1RM and then I use RPE to ensure I am not fatiguing my body to the point where my recovery will be lessened and chance of injury increases. 


 Programming can be extremely complex or it can be simple. In the product page I have provided 2 sample blocks for programming and some blank outlines that someone could fill in. 

Programming is always subject to change and adaptation but I find that individuals who are just starting at the gym are in one of two camps:

Camp A: Are too hung up on programing that they overwhelm themselves with technicalities and the best way to train before they even start.
Camp B: Go into the gym with no game plan one so ever and do not track their progress

 There is nothing wrong with being in one of these camps but programming is there to assist in your progress. The first goal with starting is to get in a routine. This could be as simple as showing up 3 times a week for one month. That could be the first goal, even if you show up and go on the treadmill to walk for 15 minutes then leave. Getting into a routine is one of the most important things to do when starting a new hobby or task. 

The next goal would be dependent on your goals but no matter the goal, progress in any form is what is desired. Begin keeping a log that tracks how you are progressing. This could be point form in a journal that states the date and that you walked on the treadmill set at pace 3 for 15 minutes. At the top of the page write down a goal which could be by the end of the month I want to walk on the treadmill at pace 3 for 20 minutes. The goals do not need to be very hard but it gives you motivation and something to strive for. 

Next Steps

For the next week I want to focus on the production of the exercise library and take some time to research instructional videos for coaching. I have experience coaching but in person, not online as much. I want to learn how to provide information that is digestible and applicable. There are certain techniques and forms that I want to dive deeper in explaining how to do the exercise. I will have an exercise library but I want to make something more in depth for complex movements such as squatting, deadlifting and benching. These exercises are compound movements and I think it is vital to walk through set up, execution, and end of movement. There are so many small things that go into someone performing these exercises well and I want to give everyone the information to do so.

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