Sunday, April 16, 2023

Have the End in Mind


This week was my first week of placement at a local high school. It was a true eye opener to the world of teaching. I must say I am very excited for what's instore for me in the future. Getting an opportunity to interact and be apart of so many amazing individual's lives is a blessing. Growing up I always enjoyed school and I guess that's why I am deciding to never leave. Initially I only enjoyed school for my friends, then it progressed to the sports and extracurriculars and it was not until this year I realized I love learning. Sometimes learning does not come in the form that we think it does but looking back my journey this year into learning new skills I realized that is what every day is in school. 


This week I finished my 4th book and have begun my 5th. I finished the 6 Steps to 1 Million by Gordon Pape and have now begun The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. If you wish to read 6 steps to 1 million encourage you do because it gives you a new lens to see the world. Many of the steps do not simply apply to financials. That being said if you are looking into investing money it is a wealth of knowledge and is a great starting point to start learning about investing. 

In the opening chapters of the new book I am reading there was a scenario that made me take a minute to think. I found it quite prolific even though it was some what morbid. The scenario was imagine you are entering a funeral home for someone dear. Family, friends and collogues are there sharing stories and talking about the memories they had of the individual. As you approach the front of the room you find yourself laying in the casket. You have 4 people giving speeches about your life. Reflect and think what you would like them to say. 

This scenario made me really take a second to think about how I wish to be remembered. The main things that came to mind were kind, caring, determined, and always there for you when you needed him. These things are what I deeply consider to be attributes that I want to drive my life. I realized that I am not trying to acquire money. I do not want anyone at my funeral to say "wow he knew how to make money." I value my relationships and being there for others more than money. I have been trying to improve myself and thought that money would make me happier but in doing this reflection I realized that there are certain aspects to life and my character that I would not put below money. 

If you do not wish to read the book, I would encourage you to take the time and try this scenario in your own head. It may be hard to do but if you are honest with yourself you will have a better understanding of why you do what you do in your life.

I have added a list below of the books that I am starting to read and work my way through. I have thought about self improvement as my main goal for the next little while. Hopefully I chase self improvement all my life but for now I am going to follow a saying I saw recently and "do it for one more day."


Training has come to a slow as I recover for my competition this weekend! I will be competing in my first powerlifting meet in over 5 years. I am truly excited for the experience. Going in I have no expectations set on myself as it is only a local meet. I have the asperations of reaching a total that will qualify me for a regional meet but I am quite confident that I can do so. End of the day this meet is to get me back into the lifting environment and to just enjoy competition once again. At heart I am very competitive and I will always be that way. At the same time I want to go in with the hopes of enjoying the day and taking what is there. I have learned over the last 3 years of training that nothing is worth injury when it comes to these kinds of meets. I have a very long career in lifting if I choose to and if I am smart about listening to my body. Sometimes you need to sacrifice the short term goal to achieve the long term one. 

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