Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Wrapping Up the Project

 This will be the last post related to my class work. The process of reflecting on each 1-2 weeks of work has kept me grounded and kept me thinking. I wish to continue with the blog posts and keep them focused on what I am doing to improve myself. It will in a sense keeping me accountable to myself.

What I've Learning

Throughout the project I have found out a lot about myself. The project morphed and changed as I did. The initial idea was to start my own platform and business in personal training and coaching. I had anticipated this to take a lot longer than it did because of how much time I spent on it each day and each week. 

Once I completed my initial focus I moved towards personal growth. In the process of making the business I realized that I needed to learn more. The great thing about this game of life is that you are never done learning and in the process of reflecting and coming up with a purpose I realized I am no where near where I want to be intellectually and in my application of the information. 

From this moment of clarity I learned that I need to get better each day. I came up with the idea for myself that I need to stride to be 1% better every day. My focus is not always directed but the end goal is to do 1% better each day. This could be in the form of reading, eating healthy that day, learning a new skill, diving into a post on a topic I want to learn about. The possibilities are endless and I hope that I can continue to share that with you as I continue on this blog.

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